Saturday, 26 September 2015

Booktown Boogies Down

As predicted, most of the final week of Term Three was focused on practicing, preparing for, and performing our production "Booktown Boogies Down".

The students all worked really hard to ensure everything was in place for the production, and that nothing was forgotten.  At both the matinee and the evening show, the students performed their very best and did exceptionally well - so well, in fact, that Mrs Muth received several cards and emails congratulating the school and the students on such a successful production.  Well done everyone.

This production (written by our very own, talented production writer Carrie Watson), was inspired by Featherston being named New Zealand's first "Booktown", gaining membership to the International Organisation of Booktowns.  This is a great achievement for Featherston, as membership is only awarded to small rural towns or villages, in which there is a large concentration of second-hand and antiquarian bookshops.  Most Booktowns have developed in places of historical interest or scenic beauty - which Featherston has an abundance of.

To read more about what becoming a Booktown means, and to find out about the upcoming Booktown festivities, please visit this website.

To view Room 5's production photo show, please click the image below:

And of cause we can not forget the two entertaining court jesters...

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Room 5 - you nailed your dance and the singing YOU ROCK!!!
